Healthmail – Secure Communications
Healthmail is a secure clinical email service that was set up to allow primary care users such as GPs and Pharmacies to exchange patient identifiable clinical information with clinicians in primary and secondary care. All HSE and Voluntary Hospital email addresses are automatically connected to Healthmail along with a defined number of healthcare agencies nationally.
The National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh is an approved domain on the Healthmail service and all primary care users can be assured that they can use Healthmail to communicate securely with all staff in National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh.
Healthmail is bounded and emails can only flow between Healthmail and approved domains. Using a healthmail account, a primary care provider cannot send an email to a family member in Australia and cannot receive an email from Hotmail, Gmail or Eircom email account. So if a domain is not whitelisted then it cannot exchange emails with a Healthmail account.
Our hospital domain has been added to the white list of approved domains. A Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection has been established between the domain and our hospital’s domain and all email traffic between these domains is automatically encrypted.
For more information, visit