HSE Advice Line
Offers guidance and support for navigating the Irish Public Healthcare System.
1850 240 1850
Phone lines are open:
Monday to Friday 8 am – 8 pm
Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 5 pm
Community Response
Local authorities have set up Community Response Forums in each local authority area to ensure people who are living alone, cocooning or isolating at home feel connected and supported at this time. These comprise of the local authority, HSE, County Champions, An Post, Community Welfare Service, An Garda Síochána, State organisations, charities and other stakeholders. Together these organisations will ensure people can receive groceries, medicine and fuels, advice and access to the services they need.
Dublin City Council
+353 (01) 222 8555
Fingal County Council
COVID-19 Support Helpline
Set up by Alone, in conjunction with the Dept of Health and the HSE, this service provides support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19. The helpline offers the following assistance:
- Shopping for food, fuel and other essential household items
- Transport to medical appointments
- Delivery of hot meals through local meals on wheels services
- Collection of prescribed medicines
- Social Supports
- Garda related matters
0818 222 024
Phone lines are open:
Monday – Sunday: 8 am- 8 pm
Visit: www.alone.ie
Visit: www.agefriendlyireland.ie
The Age Action Information Service
Provides a service for older people to ensure that they can access accurate and timely information about the virus.
+353 (01) 475 6989
Phone lines are open:
Monday to Friday: 9.30 am – 5 pm
Senior Line
A national, confidential listening service for older people, run by trained older volunteers. If you are feeling worried, stressed or isolated at this very unnerving time, call the number below. This service provides the most up-to-date guidance on coronavirus recommended by Government sources.
1800 80 45 91
Phone lines are open:
Monday to Sunday: 10 am – 10 pm
Visit: www.thirdageireland.ie
Services from An Post
An Post is providing additional services for older people and people who are staying at home. You can register with An Post to have a postman or postwoman call to your house during their delivery route or you can enlist the help of a family member, friend or health worker to register your request.
The postal worker can contact the Alone helpline on your behalf if you need help to access local services.
If you have post that you want to be delivered, you can put a sign in your window that says I HAVE MAIL. The postman/postwoman will collect it and post it free of charge.
An Post will also have a newspaper delivery service. More details on this will be available soon.
Visit: www.anpost.com/Community-Support/Request-a-Check-In
Dublin Supermarkets Priority Times for Older Persons
Dunnes Stores – 11 am – 1 pm daily
Aldi – 11 am – 1 pm daily
Lidl – 9 am – 11 am daily
Tesco – Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings up to 9 am
SuperValu – As some SuperValu stores are individually owned and operated there are various times for these.
Temporary laws have been put in place to allow GPs to send prescriptions to pharmacies by email. This means that you may not need to go to your GP surgery if you need a prescription for medication. If you have a prescription that needs to be renewed, your local pharmacy can do this for you in most cases. If you cannot go to the pharmacy, you can contact the local community support number below. The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland has issued guidelines on the delivery of medicines through voluntary and state bodies.
Dublin City Council
+353 (01) 222 8555
Fingal County Council
+353 (01) 890 5000
Family Carers Ireland
Family Carers Ireland has developed an Emergency Care Plan which is a useful tool for anyone who provides care to another person. The website and phone service offer support and advice for carers.
1800 240 724
Visit: www.familycarers.ie
The Care Alliance
The Care Alliance has set up an online Family Carer Support Group through the Facebook platform in a closed/private group format. Users will need a Facebook account to participate. Open to all Family Carers living in the Republic of Ireland, this new online private group will be facilitated by a number of professionals with social work and counselling qualifications, moderation experience and will be supported by a number of former and current family carers who have stepped forward to volunteer. Go to Facebook and ask to join the group:
Visit: www.facebook.com/groups/FamilyCarerOnlineSupportGroupIreland/
Access to Technology for Older People
The Age Action Getting Started KIT materials supports older people to learn, use, and be confident using smartphones and applications so they can keep in touch with their loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic. The material can be downloaded or older people can phone, leave their name and address and Age Action will post the How to Guides within 10 days.
+353 (01) 873 0372
Visit: www.ageaction.ie/how-we-can-help/getting-started-kit
COVID-19 Tech
Covid-19 Tech is a volunteer technical helpline for older people cocooning in Ireland.
Vodafone has launched a new Tech Advice/Smart Phone Support Line for older people.
+353 (01) 873 1166
Phone lines are open:
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 6 pm
Talking to Young Children about COVID-19
Children need factual and age-appropriate information about the virus. They also need simple advice on how they can play their part in stopping the spread of COVID-19. The Department of Education and Skills has created communications to help young people learn about the virus using language that they will understand. This resource is especially helpful to parents, guardians and teachers of young children.
Barnado’s has launched a dedicated telephone and email support service to provide advice to parents on a wide range of issues that may have come up during this time. This service will be staffed by Barnardos project workers who are trained professionals. You can make contact with this service by phoning
1800 910 123
Phone lines are open:
Monday to Friday: 10 am – 2 pm
ISPCC Dublin
The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) is Ireland’s national child protection charity.
Tel: 01 676 7960
Children’s Grief: The Irish Hospice Foundation Care and Inform Hub and the Irish Childhood Bereavement Network
Offer help for children with grief and bereavement during these exceptional times.
Visit: www.childhoodbereavement.ie/
Supporting Light Through Depression
The Samaritans
Offer help you if you’re having a difficult time or know someone who may need help
116 123 / 116 124
Phone lines are open:
Monday to Sunday: 24-hour service
If you need a response immediately, it’s best to call on the phone. This number is FREE to call.
Visit: www.samaritans.org
Pieta House
Provides free therapy to those engaging in self-harm, with suicidal ideation, or bereaved by suicide. Freephone and no referral needed.
Offers support to younger people going through a hard time, or for those worried about a young person in their life.
Visit: www.jigsaw.ie/news-and-events/post/covid-19-what-were-doing
Government of Ireland Advice:
Offers advice on Maintaining Your Mental Health, Staying Active and Staying Connected.
Visit: https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/together/
ALONE and the Samaritans
have created a direct referral line for callers to the ALONE helpline who are very distressed or possibly suicidal and where an ALONE staff or volunteer feels they do not have the competency to give the caller the appropriate support.
Outdoor Leisure in Local Parks
Dublin’s four local authorities now have a designated time for cocooners who wish to exercise in their local parks. This includes over-70s and medically vulnerable people.
Designated Times: 1.30 pm and 3.30 pm daily
Creative Ireland
This initiative is designed to encourage older people to embrace online creativity. Visit: www.creativeireland.gov.ie/en/news/createathome-getting-older-people-active-with-creativity/
Cois Ceim Broadreach initiative
This initiative intends to bring dance opportunities for people aged 50+ online with their weekly Wednesday class now going digital. Visit their website to see the previous lessons and you can even send requests into dance instructor Philippa! They also hosted a live Tea Dance Party on Zoom to celebrate International Dance Day in April.
Visit https://coisceim.com/classes-fifty-plus/
The National Gallery of Ireland
have launched virtual tours of their collections on their website, you can peruse the beautiful gallery at your own pace and wonder at the various rooms and works on display:
Visit: www.nationalgallery.ie/virtual-tour
The Abbey Theatre
Theatre has also made its way online with The Abbey Theatre launching their ‘Dear Ireland’ series, a series of open performances. Details of dates and times and links to performances are available from the Abbey Theatre Website.
Visit: www.abbeytheatre.ie/whats-on/dear-ireland-continues/
Age and Opportunity
Age and Opportunity has created some great online Movement Minutes sessions for older adults, you can watch these on their YouTube channel.
Visit: www.ageandopportunity.ie or www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRw9a_CjV8
County Council Library Services
Library Services across the country are delivering books to its most vulnerable members who are cocooning at this time, bringing boxes of books of members in an effort to help reduce the effects of social isolation. To access the service call your local library or it’s headquarters.
Visit: www.librariesireland.ie/useful-online-resources
Design and Crafts Council of Ireland
The design and Crafts Council of Ireland has created an online resource comprising of step-by-step interactive art and craft workshops and short video tutorials. You can learn to:
- make musical instruments from recycled materials
- jewellery making.
- draw or paint
- learn a new song
- do an online dance class
- knitting/sewing
- cooking or baking
Visit: www.youtube.com/channel/UC92wPH_3NYjf270TTvbNjkA
Siel Bleu Free Online Exercise Classes:
Daily online exercise classes are held for people of all abilities at 11 am and 2 pm.
Visit: http://www.sielbleu.ie/ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmBUq3-p3eE
The Irish Hospice Foundation ‘Care & Inform’ Info Hub
As Ireland’s only national charity dedicated to death, dying and bereavement, the Irish Hospice Foundation is keeping the Irish public, informed and supported in matters relating to end-of-life and bereavement care in these exceptional times.
They have developed a ‘Care & Inform’ Info Hub to respond to the COVID-19 emergency with all information in line with current HSE and Government guidance.
Information resources and videos on the website focus on the themes of:
- Grief
- Funerals in Exceptional Times,
- Planning Ahead and
- A suite of resources for Healthcare Professionals to support and guide all who need it during this time. It is updated continually.
+353 (01) 679 3188
Visit www.hospicefoundation.ie/covid19careandinform/
A Practical Guide for the Bereaved During Coronavirus 19:
https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/f43301-covid-19-coronavirus-a-guide-for-the-bereaved/ from the Department of Health and Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.
HSE Bereavement and Grief During CoVid 19 Advice and Information
Citizens Information
Visit: whatsnew.citizensinformation.ie/2020/04/03/know-your-rights-covid-19-and-funerals/
Visit: www.citizensinformation.ie/en/death/when_someone_dies_in_ireland.html
There are many organisations offering support across Ireland. If you search google by putting in the name of your health condition, Ireland and the word support eg ‘Alzheimer’s Ireland Support’, these organisation’s websites will come up. Some of the organisations offering specific information on CoVid and health conditions are as follows:
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
provides advice and support for vulnerable people living alone during the coronavirus pandemic: https://alzheimer.ie/about-us/coronavirus-covid-19-update/ . While the group does not offer personalised medical advice, their service can direct you towards reliable sources of information. You can contact the Alzheimer National Helpline team on:
1800 341 341
Visit: www.understandtogether.ie/news-and-events/news/coronavirus-COVID-19-and-dementia.html
Irish Cancer Society:
If you are a cancer patient or a former cancer patient, you can get information and advice from the Irish Cancer Society Cancer Nurse through the Freephone Support Line on
1800 200 700
Lines are open:
Monday to Thursday: 9am – 8pm, Friday to Sunday: 9am – 5pm
COPD Ireland
Offers advise, information and support to persons with respiratory conditions:
1800 83 21 46
Visit: http://copd.ie/
Text: Text the word COPD to 50444 to get a free information pack on Staying Well During Coronavirus posted to you free of charge or Call the COPD Adviceline Freephone
Irish Asthma Society:
https://www.asthma.ie/ has a range of leaflets and resources. You can also contact them on: Tel: 01 8178886 / nurse@asthmasociety.ie. Has coronavirus made you anxious about your COPD or Asthma. Whatsapp: 0860590132.
Arthritis Ireland
1890 252 846 or +353 (01) 661 8188
Phone lines are open:
Monday to Friday: 10 am to 4 pm.
Address: Arthritis Ireland Helpline, Arthritis Ireland, 1 Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2.
For Exceptional Needs Payments/Supplementary Welfare Allowance, you can contact your local community welfare officer/Intero Office. You can access the details for your local office by calling 1890 800 024 or https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/28b9b5-list-of-offices-administering-supplementary-welfare-allowance-swa-in-dublin/
St Vincent De Paul
Practical help and advice, a friendly ear
COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment
If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 or are medically required to self-isolate, you can get enhanced Illness Benefit or Supplementary Welfare Allowance. Workers are entitled to any arrears due from 9 March when the new payment rates begin:
Visit: www.citizensinformation.ie/en/social_welfare/covid19_and_social_welfare.html
Visit: www.citizensinformation.ie/en/social_welfare/social_welfare_payments/unemployed_people/covid19_pandemic_unemployment_payment.html
Short Time Work Support
If your employer reduces your hours to 3 days or less per week from your normal full-time hours, you can apply for a payment called Short Time Work Support which is a form of Jobseeker’s Benefit:
Visit: www.gov.ie/en/service/c20e1b-short-time-work-support/
HSE Safeguarding & Protection of Older Persons and Vulnerable Adults Teams – Dublin North, Dublin North City, Dublin North West Team
+353 (076) 6959528
Sage Advocacy
Support and advocacy service for vulnerable adults, older people and healthcare patients.
1850 71 94 00
Phone lines are open: 365 days a year 08:00 – 22:00
Women’s Aid
The Women’s Aid 24hr National Freephone Helpline offers confidential information, support and understanding to women who are being abused by current or former boyfriends, partners or husbands.
1800 341 90 / +353 1 678 8858
Email: info@womensaid.ie
Men’s Aid
Men’s Aid Ireland formerly known as Amen, is the only dedicated national service supporting men and their families experiencing Domestic Violence in Ireland.
01-5543811 / 01-5394277