Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and University College Dublin (UCD).
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) was established at the National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh in 1991. Offering a Higher Surgical Training Programme in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, the Department supervises the education of some 650 Intermediate Cycle 3 (IC3) Undergraduate and Graduate Entry Programme (GEP) students from the RCSI and Undergraduate students from University College Dublin (UCD) each year. Intensive didactic lecture programmes and clinical attachments ensure students receive class-based learning and practical experience in the wards, theatre, radiology, anaesthesiology, physiotherapy, and at the bedside.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) programme for Undergraduate Students
In 2005 Professor John O’Bryne, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon was appointed as Abraham Colles Professor of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. Prof. O’Bryne is responsible for introducing a comprehensive musculoskeletal module to the Undergraduate Programme, which contributes to the overall Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) result.
Modern Approach to Teaching
The Hospital employs the most up-to-date teaching techniques, regularly reviewing and enhancing course content and delivery. Recent research undertaken by Dr Martin Kelly at the Hospital highlighted the efficacy of using actors as patients to improve teaching at the bedside, which reflected positively in student OSCE exam results. Dr Kelly’s thesis for his Master of Surgery on education in medical schools was published in the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery and has elicited interest from academic medical institutions worldwide.
Work Placements
We regularly facilitate work placements, accepting students from the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) and the University of Limerick (UL), University College Dublin (UCD), Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RSCI) and the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland (RCPI).
Overseas Visiting Students
Overseas students come to the Hospital to internationalise their medical training, improve their professional network and experience the Irish culture. We welcome students from international universities that include the University of Rouen, France; University of Montreal, Canada; University of Cagliari, Sardinia; Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Munich, Germany; and the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Students at the Hospital receive excellent training and support from the Hospital staff and form friendships that perpetuate despite long-distance divides.
Transition Year Programme
We run inspirational Transition Year Programmes for young students considering a career in medicine.
Guest Speaking
Having earned a global reputation for excellence in medicine, our consultant body members regularly receive invitations to speak at national and international conferences and events. Guest-speaking invitations are facilitated where possible. For enquiries regarding a speaking engagement, please get in touch with Ms Ursula Gormally, Academic Co-ordinator.
+353 (01) 814 0487
Academic Co-ordinator
- Ms Ursula Gormally
We offer Accredited Basic Specialist Training for Medical Students from UCD, facilitating 3-month rotations for surgical modules and accommodating student elective research programmes.
Students from the Faculty of Radiologists Higher Surgical Training Programme spend 6 months in training at the Hospital under the guidance of Prof Stephen Eustace and Prof Eoin Kavanagh.
Students from the College of Anaesthesiology spend 3-month rotations at the Hospital, gaining clinical exposure to subspecialty cases under the supervision of Consultant Anaesthetists. During this time, they learn to work as a team and develop excellent skills for independent practice and a promising career in Anaesthesiology.
The Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations (JCIE) is responsible, in line with the statutory requirements of the GMC Postgraduate Board, to the four surgical Royal Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland, for the supervision of standards, policies, regulations and professional conduct of the Specialty Fellowship Examinations. In addition, the JCIE is the parent body for its ten surgical Specialty Boards.
The National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh hosts the Intercollegiate examination in Trauma and Orthopaedics every four years. Written and practical examinations are conducted to assess the student’s knowledge, decision making, judgement and professional skills in everyday clinical situations.
Academic Awards
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Abraham Colles Medal
In honour of the late Abraham Colles (1773-1843), former Professor of Anatomy, Surgery and Physiology, and President of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), the prestigious Abraham Colles Medal in Orthopaedics is presented by the Department to the RCSI undergraduate student who excels in each Intermediate Cycle.
Up to 300 students undertake clinical examinations in orthopaedics at the National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh, and the top 3 students are shortlisted to compete for this prestigious prize. The victor is presented with the Abraham Colles Medal at a prize ceremony and their name is added to the distinguished College Prize Board for posterity.
Dr Michael Floyd Memorial Medal
Presented by the Department of Anaesthesiology the Dr Michael Floyd Memorial Medal is awarded to the best trainee in orthopaedic surgery and anesthesiology.
Cappagh Residents Prize
We champion research at the hospital, inviting trainees across all disciplines to initiate and participate in exciting research programmes at the hospital. The Cappagh Residents Prize celebrates their great work and celebrates the efforts of the trainee responsible for producing the best research paper. The prize is open to all disciplines and entries are shortlisted by a multi-disciplinary team according to papers submitted.
National Orthopaedic Literary Award (NOLA)
Creative thinking plays an essential role in medicine. It helps us to see medical conditions from a different perspective and think beyond the treatments of today. Moreover, if we adopt a creative approach to treatment, we can solve complex medical challenges and create the cures of the future.
In 2016, recognising the need to nurture creative-thinking in medicine, Prof. John O’Byrne, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and the Irish Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery launched the National Orthopaedic Literary Award (NOLA). Each year undergraduate medical students are invited to participate in a creative writing challenge and compete for a prize of €500. To win, they must write a creative short story of no more than 2,000 words with an orthopaedic theme or connection. Competition entries are judged by esteemed author Mr Roddy Doyle and the winner is notified in due course.
Golden Scalpel Award
Each year the students award the top trainer at the Hospital with the Golden Scalpel Award in recognition of their efforts. Mr Peter Keogh, Clinical Director currently holds this honour.
The National Orthopaedic Hospital Foundation Day
Each year the Hospital invites orthopaedic and medical experts from around the world to speak at the National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh Foundation Day. An international gathering of brilliant minds shares their vast knowledge with a delegate of medical professionals from hospitals across the country.
Ms Olivia Flannery convened the 2019 Foundation Day with guest speaker Prof Adam Watts, Consultant Hand & Upper Limb Surgeon, NHS Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh, UK.
The 2018 Cappagh Hospital Foundation Day was organised by Mr Connor Green, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (Paediatrics) and Ms Ursula Gormally, PA & Academic Co-ordinator. The event was opened by the Minister of Health, Simon Harris and guest speakers Dr Daniel Sucato and Dr Brandon Ramo from Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Dallas, USA.
Presentations and discussions on the day included:
- Models of care in paediatric orthopaedics
- Surgical treatment o paediatric scoliosis and implications for the adult surgeon
- Rapid recovery strategies in Paediatric Scoliosis
- Surgical treatment of SCFE and implications for the adult surgeon
Coordinated by Mr James Cashman, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. “Enhanced Recovery from Total Joint Arthroplasty” was among the topics for discussion on the day and national and international guest lecturers included:
- Dr Nitin Goyal, Rothman Institute Philadelphia, USA – Enhanced recovery from Total Joint Arthroplasty
- Mr Andrew Bryce, Charge Nurse and Researcher, Musgrave Park Hospital Belfast
- Dr Enda Shanahan, Consultant Anaesthetist, National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh
- Mr Keith Synnott, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh
Medical Library
The Medical Library at the National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh offers a significant collection of books, journals and research documents to inform and inspire students and doctors at the Hospital. It is a secluded sanctuary ideal for research, study and knowledge acquisition.